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Skedesa-Spartaqus sister

Skedesa name of the woman. She is a warrior. Ziper Her lover was captured by the Romans. He became a gladiator. Skedesa goes to rescue. Meeting with Gaius Octavius Governor of the province of Thrace, Father of Oktaviyan August-the first Roman Emperor. Skedesa ​​escapes. Meeting with Gael droid wizard And the adventure begins. Wizards and battles with the forces of darkness! You can find thos book on Amazon-  

and book "THE LIVING TREASURE" book for treasure hunters

and my poetry book "Poems from Eternity"


"Skedesa-Spartaqus  sister" this  is one of the best story for gladiators. Skedesa woman warrior and her lover Ziper gladiator. Wizards and droids. Best for movie. 

"The Living Treasure" next good book for treasures. Best for movie



© 2023 by Slavyan Yorgakiev

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